Tag Archives: ubuntu MATE

Step-by-step: Raspberry Pi as a wifi bridge, plus a (really) low-spec media centre…

I’ll keep this brief, really so, because this is mainly an aide-memoire for when this horrific bodge breaks in the next, ooh, month or so. But, for context:

The problem:

Our office/studios are in a shed at the bottom of the garden (~15m). Wifi / wireless LAN just reaches, intermittently.

The solution:

Set up an ethernet network in the shed itself, and connect (‘bridge’) that network to the house wifi with a Raspberry Pi.


1x Raspberry Pi (Pi 2 Model B; mine overclocked to ~1150MHz) plus SD card and reader; an old ethernet switch and cables; quite a lot of patience.

A bit more detail:

This step-by-step is going to be a bit arse-about-face, in that the order of the steps you’d actually need from scratch is completely different from the max-frustration, highly circuitous route I actually followed. Not least because I already had a Pi with Ubuntu on:

  1. Get a Pi with Ubuntu on it. This will be acting as the wireless bridge to connect the LAN to the wifi; and also serve IP addresses to other hosts on the LAN (network buffs: yes, I realise this is a crap solution). This is the second-easiest step by a mile; see: this guide for MATE and follow it. We’ll set the Pi up to run without a monitor or keyboard (‘headless’ – connecting over SSH) later, but for now don’t ruin your relationship unduly, do this bit the easy way with a monitor attached.
  3. apt-get update the Pi a few times. You’ll thank yourself later.
  4. Set the Pi up to act as a wifi <–> LAN bridge. There are a lot of tutorials suggesting various ways to achieve this such as this, this, and all of this noise. But ignore them all – with the newest Ubuntu LTS (16.04 at time of writing) this is now far, far, far easier to do in the GUI, and more stable. Just follow this guide.
  5. Set up some other housekeeping tasks for headless login: enable SSH (see also here); set the clock to attempt to update the system time on boot if a time server’s available (make sure to add e.g. server 0.europe.pool.ntp.org to your /etc/ntp.conf file) and login to the desktop automatically. This last action isn’t necessary, and purists will claim it wastes resources, but this is a Pi 2 and we’re only serving DCHP on it, basically – it can afford that. The reason I’ve enabled this is because it seems to force the WLAN adapter to try to acquire the home wifi a bit more persistently (see below). I’ve tried to achieve the same results using wpa_supplicant, but with no stability and my time is a pretty finite resource, so screw it – I’m a scientist, not an engineer!
  6. Lastly, I’ve made some fairly heavy-duty edits (not following but at least guided by this and this) to my /etc/network/interfaces file, with a LOT of trial and error which included a couple of false starts bricking my Pi (if that happens to you, reinstall Ubuntu. Sorry.) It now reads (home wifi credentials redacted):
    # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
    # Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:
    source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d# The loopback network interface
    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback

    # LOOK at all the crap I tried...
    #allow-hotplug wlan0
    #iface eth0 inet dhcp
    #allow-hotplug wlan0
    #iface wlan0 inet manual
    #iface eth0 inet auto
    #wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
    # Yep, that lot took a while :\

    # Finally, this worked:
    auto wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    wpa-ssid "q***********"
    wpa-psk "a******"
    # That's it :D
  7. Connect the Pi to your other computers using the switch and miles of dodgy ethernet cabling.
  8. Disconnect the screen, reboot, and wait for a long time – potentially hours – for the Pi to acquire the wifi. You should now be able to a) ping and/or login to the Pi from other hosts on the LAN, and b) ping/access hosts on the home WLAN, and indeed the wider Internet if your WLAN has a connection(!)

A Media centre from scratch

Lastly of all, having gone to all that trouble, the glaring bandwidth inadequacies of our crap WLAN showed up. Being stingy by nature (well, and because the phone companies in our area insist that, despite living fewer than a day’s march from Westminster, their exchanges have run out of fibre capacities for 21st-century broadband) I decided to mitigate this for the long winter months the simplest way: gather the zillions of mp3s, ripped DVDs and videos from all our devices onto one server. I put an Ubuntu (the same 16.04 / MATE distribution as on the Pi, in fact) onto an old Z77 motherboard my little brother had no use for, in an ancient (~2003) ATX case, with a rock-bottom Celeron new CPU (~£25) plus 4MB SDRAM and cheap spinning drive I had lying about (a 2TB Toshiba SATA, IIRC). This is highly bodgy. So much so, in fact, that the CPU fan is cable-tied onto the mobo, because the holes for the anchor pins didn’t line up. But: it works, and only has to decode/serve MP3s and videos, after all.

I apt-get updated that a few times, plus adding in some extra packages like htop, openssh, and hardinfo – plus removing crap like games and office stuff – to make it run about as leanly as possible. Then, to manage and serve media I installed something I’d wanted to play with for a while: Kodi. This is both a media manager/player (like iTunes, VLC, or Windows Media Player) and also streaming media server, so other hosts on my LAN can access the library by streaming over the ethernet if they want without replicating files.

Setting up Kodi was simplicity itself, as was adding movies and music to the library, but one minor glitch I encountered was reading/displaying track info and artwork, which usually happens on iTunes pretty seamlessly via ID3 tags, fingerprinting, and/or Gracenote CDDB querying. Turns out I’d been spoilt this last decade, because in Kodi this doesn’t happen so magically. Instead, you need to use a tool like MusicBrainz Picard to add the tags to MP3s on your system, then re-scan them into Kodi for the metadata to be visible. The re-scanning bit isn’t as onerous as you’d think – files are left in place, the ID3 tags being used simply to update Kodi’s metadata server (I guess) – but the initial Picard search for thousands of MP3s over a slow WLAN took me most of a night.

However. A small price to pay to actually have music to listen to while I work away writing crap like this in the shed, or shoddy-quality old episodes of Blackadder or Futurama to watch in the evening :p

How to fake an OSX theme appearance in Linux Ubuntu MATE

I’ve recently been fiddling about and trying to fake an OSX-style GUI appearance in Linux Ubuntu MATE (15.04). This is partly because I prefer the OSX GUI (let’s be honest) and partly because most of my colleagues are also Mac users mainly (bioinformaticians…) and students in particular fear change! The Mac-style appearance seems to calm people down. A bit.

The specific OS I’m going for is 10.9 Mavericks, because it’s my current favourite and nice and clear. There are two main things to set up: the OS itself and the appearance. Let’s take them in turn.

1. The OS

I’ve picked Ubuntu (why on Earth wouldn’t you?!) and specifically the MATE distribution. This has a lot of nice features that make it fairly Mac-y, and in particular the windowing and package management seem smoother to me than the vanilla Ubuntu Unity system. Get it here: https://ubuntu-mate.org/vivid/.* The installation is pretty painless on Mac, PC or an existing Linux system. If in doubt you can use a USB as the boot volume without affecting existing files; with a large enough partition (the core OS is about 1GB) you can save settings – including the customisation we’re about to apply!

*We’re installing the 15.04 version, not the newest release, as 15.04 is an LTS (long-term stable) Ubuntu distribution. This means it’s supported officially for a good few years yet. [Edit: Arkash (see below) kindly pointed out that 14.04 is the most recent LTS, not 15.04. My only real reason for using 15.04 therefore is ‘I quite like it and most of the bugs have gone'(!)]

2. The appearance

The MATE windowing system is very slick, but the green-ness is a bit, well, icky. We’re going to download a few appearance mods (themes, in Ubuntu parlance) which will improve things a bit. You’ll need to download these to your boot/install USB:

Boot the OS

Now that we’ve got everything we need, let’s boot up the OS. Insert the USB stick into your Mac-envious victim of choice, power it up and enter the BIOS menu (F12 in most cases) before the existing OS loads. Select the USB drive as the boot volume and continue.

Once the Ubuntu MATE session loads, you’ll have the option of trialling the OS from the live USB, or permanently installing it to a hard drive. For this computer I won’t be installing to a hard drive (long story) but using the USB, so customising that. Pick either option, but beware that customisations to the live USB OS will be lost should you later choose to install to a hard drive.

When you’re logged in, it’s time to smarten this baby up! First we’ll play with the dock a bit. From the top menu bar, select “System > Preferences > MATE Tweak” to open the windowing management tool. In the ‘Interface’ menu, change Panel Layouts to ‘Eleven’ and Icon Size to ‘Small’. In the ‘Windows’ menu, we’ll change Buttons Layout to ‘Contemporary (Left)’. Close the MATE Tweak window to save. This is already looking more Mac-y, with a dock area at the bottom of the screen, although the colours and icons are off.

Now we’ll apply some theme magic to fix that. Select “System > Preferences > Look and Feel > Appearance”. Now we can customise the appearance. Firstly, we’ll load both the ‘Ultra-Flat Yosemite Light’ and ‘OSX-MATE’ themes, so they’re available to our hybrid theme. Click the ‘Install..’ icon at the bottom of the theme selector, you’ll be able to select and install the Ultra-Flat Yosemite Light theme we downloaded above. It should unpack from the .zip archive and appear in the themes panel. Installing the OXS-MATE theme is slightly trickier:

  • Unzip (as sudo) the OSX-MATE theme to /usr/share/themes
  • Rename it from OSX-MATE-master to OSX-MATE if you downloaded it from git as a whole repository (again, you’ll need to sudo)
  • Restart the appearances panel and it should now appear in the themes panel.

We’ll create a new custom theme with the best bits from both themes, so click ‘Custom’ theme, then ‘Customise..’ to make a new one. Before you go any further, save it under a new name! Now we’ll apply changes to this theme. There are five customisations we can apply: Controls, Colours, Window Border, Icons and Pointer:

  • ControlsUltra-Flat Yosemite Light
  • Colours: There are eight colours to set here. Click each colour box then in the ‘Colour name’ field, enter:
    • Windows (foreground): #F0EAE7 / (background): #0F0F0E
    • Input boxes (fg): #FFFFFF / (bg): #0F0F0E
    • Selected items (fg): #003BFF / (bg): #F9F9F9
    • Tooltips: (fg): #2D2D2D / (bg): #DEDEDE
  • Window borderOSX-MATE
  • IconsFog
  • PointerDMZ (Black)

Save the theme again, and we’re done! Exit Appearance Preferences.

Finally we’ll install Solarized as the default terminal (command-line interface) theme, because I like it. In the MATE Terminal, Unzip the solarized-mate-terminal archive, as sudo. Enter the directory and simply run (as sudo) the install script using bash:

$ sudo unzip solarized-mate-terminal
$ cd solarized-mate-terminal
$ bash solarized-mate.sh

Close and restart the terminal. Hey presto! You should now be able to see the light/dark Solarized themes available, under ‘Edit > Profiles’. You’ll want to set one as the default when opening a new terminal.


Later, I also installed Topmenu, a launchpad applet that gives an OSX-style top-anchored application menu to some linux programs. It’s a bit cranky and fiddly though, so you might want to give it a miss. But if you have time on your hands and really need that Cupertino flash, be my guest. I hope you’ve had a relatively easy install for the rest of this post, and if you’ve got any improvements, please let me know!

Happy Tweaking…