Talk presented at the #bench16 (benchmarking) symposium at KCL, London, Wed 20th April 2016. Funded by the SSI.
Slides (Slideshare – cc-by-nd)
[slideshare id=61147571&doc=joe-parker-benchmarking-bioinformatics-160420140811]
Talk presented at the 18th Evolutionary Biology Meeting At Marseille (programme), 16th-19th September 2014.
(Powerpoint – note this is a draft, not the final talk, pending authorisation): EBMdraft
[slideshare id=41517262&doc=ebmjoeparkerconvergencefinal-recover-nosampling-141113102943-conversion-gate01]
Research seminar presented for MSc students at University College Dublin, 24rd October 2013. Invited by Prof. Emma Teeling’s lab at UCD.
Powerpoint: UCD_MSc_phylogenomics_joeParker_edit
[slideshare id=41517492&doc=ucdmscphylogenomicsjoeparkeredit-141113103421-conversion-gate02]