Tag Archives: michael anderson

Recording.. aftermath

A pile of music gear
54kg WizzAir luggage really worked against us at 3AM. Thanks, TfL


  • 1 producer,
  • 2 engineers,
  • 3 countries,
  • 4 animals/toddlers,
  • 5 musicians plus a Katy and a Rysia,
  • 12 days,
  • 15 tracks,
  • 32 transfers and
  • countless bottles of Shumenska (cheap Bulgarian Beer)

later, we’ve finally finished tracking what will end up as my debut LP. It will be an incredible record with some unbelievably good songs played by amazing musicians sounding great and some gifted production…

If it seems strange reading that, well, it’s weirder typing those words, believe me. But that really is what’s happened, somehow. We’ve come so far in a few months from the midnight scribbles, to the 3am jams and demos, to the rehearsals, the fire and the fury in the studio. Listening back to the very, very rough tracks I can’t come to any other conclusion: this record is REALLY good.

I think I’m only able to write that without cringing because so many other people other than me have taken this project on now. Tom and Rysia have built an amazing complex out there at Furnace Studios, and he and Ben Startup of Valley got some wicked lush sounds. While with every passing day we’ve got more and more excited about the production James Ewers is injecting into the record.

4AM face
4AM face

There were some blood and guts on the studio floor but James got some incredible performances out of Dave Wade Brown and Dave Miatt (TT), I think it sounds to me like the guitar of Dave’s life. On the last day he sat there nailing take after take for 30 hours straight, while Dave WB’s perfectionism/power/passion on the skins actually scared me. Jimmy Hatherley and Mike Anderson also did really well to get their heads round the material so quickly. Even Startup got on the credits!

I think you’ll be surprised in the extreme by the tracklisting, so we’ll keep that under wraps for now, but we should be releasing an EP of the Falmouth stuff ASAP, then tracks from these sessions (including the odd Hicks remix) later in the Summer. Not sure when the whole LP’s gonna be done. There’s some bits and bobs left to do (string, brass, harp, BVs) before the main vocals but we’re basically there. Shock.

More to come including a (late) diary (sorry, slow internet + busy actually doing the job when we were out there). Bye for now x x

PS: We’ve got some dates coming up, might turn them into a minitour if we can bolt on London and Bristol either side:

  • April 29th Secret gig, Laines, Brighton (email for deets)
  • April 30th Sotones Spring Social, Hobbit, Southampton

PPS: Thanks to Katy very, very, very much for helping us not degenerate (totally) into moon-howling freaks.

More PS: Woke up this morning to find the garden had burst into technicolor while we were away:

I want to stay in touch with you all… just not on Facebook.

I am leaving facebook for a while*.
It is boring but compulsive, and that is a bad combination of things.
Here’s what I’m doing instead.
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Yes. I’ve had enough, finally.

To get my instant-gratification social-networking rocks off, I’ll keep using twitter to send important ‘ooh, look, I just saw a banana that looks like Woody Harrelson’ updates. If you want to follow that crap see http://www.twitter.com/lonelyjoeparker

For actual communication I’m gonna use letters on this site, just like this one below. You like? I do.

A scanned letter from Lonely Joe Parker, Feb 2011
I have a pen

So to fling new demos at you I’ll keep using myspace a bit but also soundcloud cos the whole thing’s just… nicer. Like this new demo:

You might have heard that I’m not working for Sotones any more. It was a big wrench, and I still love them all, but I’ve been brewing a really good record for 4 years now, and the time is ripe to go for it.

Recording notes
The LP we are doing has ended up a mixture of new stuff and (ahem) Greatest Hits...

The idea is that I want to concentrate on things I like, those being:

  • writing,
  • doing science,
  • playing,
  • presenting science
  • and touring

… and not things I don’t, like

  • updating facebook
  • checking facebook
  • spending entire weeks on facebook

So the plan is that Dave Miatt, Dave Wade-Brown, Michael Anderson and me (plus a couple of special guests) are going to go out to Bulgaria in March to record an album at Furnace Studios

We’re doing a lot of pre-production on this one, even though most of the songs are fully written because it’s basically gonna be, in Davo’s words “a Joe Parker greatest hits, yeah? Done really well, really.. right! Isn’t that what people wanna hear?!”

We’re down to a shortlist of just 30 songs now, which includes faves like Number Nine, Brooklyn and Stutter but also new ones like Sherine!, Barny’s Bathroom and really new one Dead Man’s Pen (listen above or on Soundcloud). NO, LizSpanish Girls is not on the list!!!

When we get back we’ve got about a month to mix it. Some will be done by us, some by friends (Parry etc) and also remixed (paging rude_NHS and Ed Hix now..) and there’s going to be a few sprinkles of production magic courtesy of the brilliant James Ewers (My Luminaries.)

It depends on how the sessions go, but the likely plan is we’ll do a couple of free tracks and a single over the summer (anyone up for a 7″?) with some gigs then aim to get the LP out about October in time for all your crimbo stockings.

But we gotta get there first – so there’s pageloads of arranging and rehearsing to do for now! Will be bunging new tracks up on Soundcloud – updates about that on this site and also twitter if you want to follow us on our little journey…

In the meantime we’ve got a couple of gigs before we go:

  • Sat 12th Feb
    SeeSound.co.uk showcase, Alleycat, 4 Denmark St, Soho WC2H 8LP. Deets heredoors 4-11pm — SET TIME 8pm
  • Thurs 3rd Mar
    Soton Unstaged, Southampton. Oxfam Music Stage (TBC – check here for full details)

Listening a lot to Black Hearted Love at the moment (PJH/John Parish). Looking forward to her new album, too…

Well. Thats enough from me, so see you soon and thanks for leaving the warm blue safety of Facebook and coming over to mine for a bit.Hope you enjoyed it, come back soon!

Joe xxx

*Okay… I’ll still put gig listings up there, and let you know when the LP’s done and records are coming out…
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