Tag Archives: lonely joe parker

Antarctic adventure: beginnings

On Friday 8th November, I’m flying to Rio where he will board a sailing ship bound for the Antarctic on a songwriting mission like no other, battling fierce storms, icebergs and randy penguins, armed only with some blank musical notepaper, a melodica and a pencil.

The plan is to take two months to sail down the Atlantic coasts of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, making the crossing from Cape Horn across Drake’s Passage to Antarctica sometime in December. Fingers crossed we get good weather, because we’re sailing the whole thing…

Iceberg by Uta Wollf (Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA )
Iceberg by Uta Wollf (Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA )

I’ll be writing as much music as I can manage in between taking watches on deck. Unlike my normal writing practice, I won’t be able to crack open a laptop and fire up GarageBand to record demos as I go; most of the time we’ll be without much spare power, and in any case I’m not taking my own laptop. Instead, I’ll be transcribing everything by hand onto notepaper, using a melodica (a small keyboard-cum-mouth organ you blow into) to check as I go.

The boat’s being crewed by the Adventure 2013 collective, most of whom know from volunteering with sail training charity OYT South. Now, this isn’t as hard as it was 400 years ago – I’m not going to pretend that – but many of the things we take for granted about sailing the the West, like 24/7 air-sea rescue, detailed forecasts and the RNLI, won’t be available. I also have no idea how much time and energy I’ll actually have spare for writing (we’ll be on watch every day), or even any energy (it’ll be summer in the Southern Hemisphere, but still regularly -5 or -10 degrees). Plus almost everything I write, I’ll have forgotten by the time I get back to London, so I’ll only have my transcribed notes to go on.

Will I return with an album of trancendental beauty? With an album about my crewmates’ washing habits? Will I return at all (really hope so)?

Who knows. But the first chapter in any travelogue is the leaving do, which will be at The Islington, London N1.

Free entry, music all night and Lonely Joe Parker, live with band. See you there shipmates!


A new EP, free for Christmas..

To get your hands on a FREE Christmas present from me, with a card, some exclusive news and a handmade 5-track EP including BRAND new studio material recorded at Furnace, Abbey Road and Valley Studios, EMAIL your name and address to:


(P+P is free. You MUST order by 2pm 16th December 2012)

And lastly, to preview tracks from the whole record check out Soundcloud..

.. or this great vid by Gillian Sore:

Neither Of Us Will Ever Be Evan // Release news!!

So, the last few months have been a little bit weird. Basically having taken ages to get the Furnace / Abbey Road album mixed and finished (my fault, nothing to do with James Ewers or Sam Miller – great producer/mix engineer repsectively), I realised I didn’t really have a band I could call on as often as I wanted. Which makes putting a record out a bit – well, very – hard. Really, I’ve done nothing since January.

Then I saw the everlovin Ben Startup at Moulettes‘ LP launch last week, and had a chat with the nice people at Sotones last weekend, and listened to a lot of old stuff, and remembered how much I like little acoustic songs. And we might be going to Denmark / Germany to play a little this summer, too.

Now I have a plan. Basically, we’re going to get together a few small releases between now and October, when the LP campaign’s going to kick off. Some of these will be old demos / rarities; some Ann The Arc stuff I did in Falmouth with Dave Wade-Brown (drums) and Jimmy Shivers (bass) with Dan Parry producing; and rude_NHS has agreed to do some remixes (anyone’s welcome, too – email me). Lastly, I’ve been writing some stuff again.

This song (see above) is one of the new ones. It’s just a quick throwaway number about an obsessive fan. I suppose it’s about living in someone else’s shadow and a bit murder ballad-y, the kind of thing I might cook up with Dave Miatt. Apologies to Tammy Wynette and Billy Sherrill for the middle bit I lifted. And Evan too of course 😉

Neither Of Us Will Ever Be Evan (J Parker)

It’s hard to follow your idol,
Hard so you’d better be brave,
But I find that it helps if you’re obsessed and it hurts,
To follow them into the grave.

So while you play the lead,
I’m drawing a bead –
Neither of us
Will ever
Be Evan

You may think that I’m kind of a friend to you,
You may think of me just like a fan,
But I’m waiting out here with your brake-line and shears,
So good luck driving home in your van.

Sometimes it’s hard to be a rock star,
Giving all your love to just one fan…

You may think that I’m not very like you,
You may think I’m not much of a threat,
But I’m stood in the wings as the fire-bell rings,
Cos my lighter ain’t failed me yet.

So while you play the lead,
I’m drawing a bead –
Neither of us
Will ever
Be Evan

It’s not clever, it’s not meant to be anything serious and I kind of shit these out now and again when I’m in the right phase.. I like songs like this and there’s probably enough for a small EP, I suppose. Here’s hoping, anyway.

.. also I want to marry Katy Goodman and live happily ever after for ever.


Warm-up gigs

Back gigging again, for what seems like the first time in bloody ages. Lucky audiences at a couple of venues over the next couple of weeks will get a mixture of rusty old favourites and shkily-executed new material, all free. The two gigs in question are:

  • The Macbeth, Hoxton
    Sunday 22nd April, 8pm
    Free BBQ! For more details see here.
  • London Fields Brewery
    Saturday 5th May, TBCpm
    A piss-up! In a brewery! for more details see here.

Album finished!

My debut LP ‘The Tired And The Stunned’ is now finished – out Jan 2013 (First free track will drop in June).

Produced by @EwersJames at @FurnaceStudio, Valley & @AbbeyRoad.

Mixed by Sam Miller.

Engineered by Thomas Joseph with Ben Startup, Ollie Austin and James Ewers.

David Miatt, Jimmy Hatherley, Dave Wade Brown, Mike Anderson

Emma Richardson, Chris Alcock, James Ewers, Campbell Austin, Ollie Austin and Hannah Miller.


Saint Valentine’s Ballad from Lonely Joe Parker on Vimeo.

A song made up in the wee hours of Valentine’s Day by Lonely Joe Parker, Alcxxk (Internet Forever) and Souschef. HAVE A HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY, YEAH?

Download! It! Here!

Lonely Joe Parker
“worth buying a turntable just to hear this.” -The Fly
Debut LP recorded at Furnace (BG), Abbey Road & Valley (both UK), produced by James Ewers and mixed by Sam Miller – out this summer.

Internet Forever
“A gloriously unkempt pop splatter that remind(s) us of every great bubblegum and indie pop band we’ve ever loved.” – NME
Debut LP out THIS MONTH! Album launch party @ Old Blue Last THIS SATURDAY 18th Feb!

Delirious DIY art-grunge in production somewhere near Elephant & Castle. Watch this pace…

Words & Music
Joe Parker (Sotones Music Publishing / PRS)

Arranged by
Joe Parker, Chris Alcock, Tom Sleeman

Filmed by
Nathalie Robins & Chris Alcock

Audio & Video mixed really badly by Pooj

Lyrics (J Parker)

Oh Saint Valentine, I pray
Show me the way
Show me who to kiss,
To kill;
And when to strike or stay

Oh the first girl he rode over
To, she lost his valour
And her halter quivered at his fingertips
Well call it beginners luck
He was well and truly sucked
And his heart was pierced by a cruel kiss


Well the second – what a peach
She had a lot to teach
Like the very best way to suck a lemon dry
Was she a dragon?
She had teeth
She scratched underneath and before he split, I swear I heard him cry:


He’d hung up his spurs
Made a ‘normal’ from a ‘worst’
When a finger came a-tapping on his shoulder
Was it the bottom of the glass?
Or hope that come at last?
He staggered out before the night grew colder

Songs in the snow – videos.

Lonely Joe Parker – Snow garden (part 2/2) from Lonely Joe Parker on Vimeo.

For those of you that don’t know, it snowed in London yesterday. This is a fairly rare event – as is getting a new guitar (OK, I got the new guitar in December, but a lot of the people who bought it for me* haven’t seen it yet. And I wanted to see how some quick little videos might look / go down. So here you are (in two parts):

  1. Hannah & Gabi (Evan Dando)
  2. It’s About Time (Evan Dando)
  3. The Outdoor Type (Tom Morgan)
  4. Learn Yr Lesson (Joe Parker)
  5. Brooklyn (Joe Parker)

…. this is what’s known as a Lemonheads-heavy experiment (I also put them on Youtube to see how it compares with Vimeo.)

Lonely Joe Parker – Snow garden (part 1/2) from Lonely Joe Parker on Vimeo.

*Yeah, my friends had a whip-round to get me a proper acoustic for my birthday. Thanks lots and lots to them and Dave, who organised it…

Community! Fusion

Love fundraisers.* Next month we’re taking part in one that’s a little bit different.

Community Fusion is a new charity venture in Portsmouth, a youth volunteering programme that aims to match young people to community projects. The volunteers benefit from personal development, learning and CV-worthy experience, while important, local, community-centred projects are helped and supported by those young people in the immediate area.

It’s a great scheme and one of the first projects is the regeneration of the Hilsea Lido complex. This iconic open-air pool opened in 1935 and quickly became a loved landmark and even featured a miniature railway at one stage. At the end of the last century however, it fell into disrepair. Step in the Hilsea Lido For The People trust, who purchased a 99-year lease on the pool from Portsmouth Council. They’re slowly but surely reviving the lido’s fortunes, refurbishing it and creating a social and cultural nexus for the whole community.

To mark this new collaboration and raise funds, there’s going to be a big family-friendly party / BBQ on Sunday 14th August. I’ll be playing with the band, as well as Huw Olesker, Luke Ferre and Hannah O’Reilly. There will also be face-painting, magic and apparently, sun. That’s the Blue Lagoon, Hilsea Lido, London Road, Portsmouth, Hants, PO2 9RP (Map). Doors are from 1pm – 6pm and I have no idea when we’re on yet (plus it’s a big ole party) so get there early!

*Anyway, here’s a quick video of Stewart Lee talking about charity (go to about 3:00 if you have a terminally short attention span):