Tag Archives: informatics

Real-time phylogenomics or ‘Some interesting problems in genomic big data’

Talk given at a technology/informatics company, London, Feb 2018.

[slideshare id=87391225&doc=joe-parker-reak-time-phylogenomics-180207132740]

An overview of contemporary advances and remaining problems in big-data biology, especially phylogenomics.

Inference and informatics in a ‘sequenced’ world

Short lecture relating my recent work on real-time phylogenomics, implications for bioinformatics research and future directions of genomic/phylogenetic modelling to explicitly account for phylogeny, synteny and identity through coloured graphs.

University of Reading, 2nd August 2017

Slides [SlideShare]: cc-by-nd

[slideshare id=78587606&doc=2017readingbioinfforgenomics-joeparker-final3-170805084405]

Using field-based DNA sequencing to accelerate phylogenomics

Invited seminar at the Department of Zoology, Oxford University, 30th November 2016.

Summary of our field-based real-time phylogenomics (MinION DNA sequencing) experiments this year, and applicability to broad-scale tree-of-life phylogenomics and macroevolutionary biology.

Slides [SlideShare]: cc-by-nd

[slideshare id=69767351&doc=2016oxfordzoojoeparker-161202163931]

Real-time Phylogenomics

General science talk about the potential of real-time phylogenomics, delivered at the Jodrell Lecture Theatre, Kew Gardens, November 2nd 2015

Slides [SlideShare]: cc-by-nc-nd

[slideshare id=54651010&doc=real-time-phylogenomics-joeparker-151102162613-lva1-app6892]