Tag Archives: evan dando

Neither Of Us Will Ever Be Evan // Release news!!

So, the last few months have been a little bit weird. Basically having taken ages to get the Furnace / Abbey Road album mixed and finished (my fault, nothing to do with James Ewers or Sam Miller – great producer/mix engineer repsectively), I realised I didn’t really have a band I could call on as often as I wanted. Which makes putting a record out a bit – well, very – hard. Really, I’ve done nothing since January.

Then I saw the everlovin Ben Startup at Moulettes‘ LP launch last week, and had a chat with the nice people at Sotones last weekend, and listened to a lot of old stuff, and remembered how much I like little acoustic songs. And we might be going to Denmark / Germany to play a little this summer, too.

Now I have a plan. Basically, we’re going to get together a few small releases between now and October, when the LP campaign’s going to kick off. Some of these will be old demos / rarities; some Ann The Arc stuff I did in Falmouth with Dave Wade-Brown (drums) and Jimmy Shivers (bass) with Dan Parry producing; and rude_NHS has agreed to do some remixes (anyone’s welcome, too – email me). Lastly, I’ve been writing some stuff again.

This song (see above) is one of the new ones. It’s just a quick throwaway number about an obsessive fan. I suppose it’s about living in someone else’s shadow and a bit murder ballad-y, the kind of thing I might cook up with Dave Miatt. Apologies to Tammy Wynette and Billy Sherrill for the middle bit I lifted. And Evan too of course šŸ˜‰

Neither Of Us Will Ever Be Evan (J Parker)

It’s hard to follow your idol,
Hard so you’d better be brave,
But I find that it helps if you’re obsessed and it hurts,
To follow them into the grave.

So while you play the lead,
I’m drawing a bead –
Neither of us
Will ever
Be Evan

You may think that I’m kind of a friend to you,
You may think of me just like a fan,
But I’m waiting out here with your brake-line and shears,
So good luck driving home in your van.

Sometimes it’s hard to be a rock star,
Giving all your love to just one fan…

You may think that I’m not very like you,
You may think I’m not much of a threat,
But I’m stood in the wings as the fire-bell rings,
Cos my lighter ain’t failed me yet.

So while you play the lead,
I’m drawing a bead –
Neither of us
Will ever
Be Evan

It’s not clever, it’s not meant to be anything serious and I kind of shit these out now and again when I’m in the right phase.. I like songs like this and there’s probably enough for a small EP, I suppose. Here’s hoping, anyway.

.. also I want to marry Katy Goodman and live happily ever after for ever.


Songs in the snow – videos.

Lonely Joe Parker – Snow garden (part 2/2) from Lonely Joe Parker on Vimeo.

For those of you that don’t know, it snowed in London yesterday. This is a fairly rare event – as is getting a new guitar (OK, I got the new guitar in December, but a lot of the people who bought it for me* haven’t seen it yet. And I wanted to see how some quick little videos might look / go down. So here you are (in two parts):

  1. Hannah & Gabi (Evan Dando)
  2. It’s About Time (Evan Dando)
  3. The Outdoor Type (Tom Morgan)
  4. Learn Yr Lesson (Joe Parker)
  5. Brooklyn (Joe Parker)

…. this is what’s known as a Lemonheads-heavy experiment (I also put them on Youtube to see how it compares with Vimeo.)

Lonely Joe Parker – Snow garden (part 1/2) from Lonely Joe Parker on Vimeo.

*Yeah, my friends had a whip-round to get me a proper acoustic for my birthday. Thanks lots and lots to them and Dave, who organised it…

A bit down; recording in my pants (Evan Dando)

Joe recordingRecorded in my pants this morning into garageband. No interface – straight in. Sorry for quietness.

… First heard this song on the B-side to ‘Outdoor Type’, recorded live for a radio station in Milan. It’s a really underrated Dando one I think; one of those that just flows out of you when that black dog calls.


What a comfort to find out you’re losing your mind / when you re-realise that it’s not the first time / burnt the beyond when you learned how to fly / just to learn later on that there isn’t a sky / there aren’t any clouds, and there aren’t any trees / and there aren’t any birds / and there’s no cinder caught in my eye / til I’ve tied a tired knot and tried to untie it / I can’t decide if I should lie / or tell the truth and try to hide it.