Tag Archives: blog

New stuff, ‘Shanty’ single and… live record – 11th Feb!

Hey peeps,

How’s it all going? Big men of 2010? Rode from Hythe to Islington to see Thomas Tantrum, the Moules and Montage Populaire last weekend, brought back some memories of the summer, seems like aaages since i toured then – not for long, read below.. see you at a gig real soon..

New Band, New Years
wow. Mental new years! Basically jimmy shivers, dave wade-brown, and me have got together for a little side-project. It’s called ANN THE ARC and sounds a bit grungy like sonic youth, a bit grungy like pavement, and a bit grungy like nirvana or the replacements.

Ace, basically. so all the fuss at new years was, we went down to cornwall to record some tracks in our friends’ house with Dan Parry (who did the Fresh Legs stuff and also some 6NS stuff, among others). in the end we managed to get through about 12 tracks (and a shitload of booze and leccy on the metre – was reeeeal cold) so whaddya know, there’s an album there! we recorded pretty much 95% of it LIVE too!!! I’m itching like hell to show you the stuff, but there’s a wee bit of mixing left to do so it all sounds really really good. but, remember the band: ANN THE ARC… rest assured i’ll let you all know! loudly…

‘Shanty’ single
Sotones are releasing ‘Shanty’, one of the tracks from the Oxjam EP I did with Jackie Paper last summer. It’s gonna be out on iTunes / Spotify / VERY limited cassette on the 8th March and like the EP, all proceeds will go to Oxjam. As well as the title track, there’s a live version featuring The Moulettes and ‘Mary Rose’ which some of you will remember from like, years ago.. we’ve kind of resurrected it. Or ‘raised’ it, if you will..

To, well, flog records basically, I’ll be on tour in March. We’re still settling the dates but stay tuned for an announcement soon. If you think there’s somewhere cool I  / we could play (some dates will be solo, others with the East Street Band) drop me an email to joe@sotones.co.uk huh? like, good club nights but weird interesting stuff too, yeah?

Live Record! 11th Feb at Hamptons
Let’s face it, I’m shit at recording. I’m not very good at playing the guitar, and I even get a bit nervous singing when there’s nothing but a red light to look at, which is weird. I overcook stuff; I take way too many takes, or too few; I try and drink to chill out and get wasted; I redo the lyrics at the last moment, then find I can’t get my tongue around them, or it sounds naff.

No, I prefer playing live by about a million miles and to be honest, most of the time I only really see recording as a way to get you to come to gigs so we can all hang out. cos lord knows records don’t make ANY money, ever! haharrrr!!! (by the way, did i mention i’ve got a bunch of stuff on digital now? buy buy buy, $uckers…)


The obvious thing to do is try a live record. simple, really. get a load of people down, rehearse loads, maybe even film a little bit, offer everyone who comes a free copy of said record when it’s finished? yeah, that’s what i’m talking about. i’ve been running down the setlist, trying out various guitars for different songs, really getting into it all. it’s going to be quite a quiet / intimate kind of show. maybe even a bit sad here and there. but ultimately good and happy etc.

When is this epic live event taking place, I hear you ask? It so happens I’m playing at Hamptons in Southampton on the 11th of February. I’ll be supporting Polly And The Billets Doux, who are well good, having been all over the radio etc. At the moment they’re doing the whole tour-gig-instore thing.

Because of getting rid of the recording equipment etc (plus no-one gives a shit) we have to do the recording at the start of the night, so make sure you get there at the start of the night – doors are 7.30. it’s £5 and like i said, make sure we get your name and details so w can send you a record when we’re done (we won’t put them on any maillist or anything like that)

The facebook page, if you can be arsed, is: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=307285802081, and make sure you’ve got your best rowdy singing / heckling voice on!

see you,
joe x x

PS: in other unrelated news, some group somewhere have found a way to ask people in comas what they think about stuff using fMRI (kinda). I reckon they think about what we think about, ie highways, sex and bombay mix. or is that just me?

new year la alalaa

hey peeps

so – a bit quiet for a while because all that goddamn snow just before christmas killed my laptop. cycling through a mad blizzard in northeast london with the moulettes’ manager to get to their video shoot and heaving in looking like a yeti did my indiana jones rating a power of pooj, but buried the precious silicon chips. god knows how i’m going to survive without one.

but then, it wouldn’t have mattered anyway, because straight after christmas i set out with shivers, dan parry and dave wade-brown in my nan’s camper van on a super-secret mission to falmouth. it was cold, we ran out of electricity and storm’s very kind housemates might have just gone deaf for the rest of this new decade, but it was WELL worth it. more to come soon, hahharr!

also dave got drunk on NYE at mags’ in land’s end. and I mean VERY drunk.

what else apart from drinking, skating and seditious sessions? well, i’m back working for sotones for another few weeks. hopefully i’ll get the sack at the AGM, we’ll see. plus i want a canoe, anyone got one?

oh yeah – on the 22nd i’m curating a night at hamptons. i know i play there all the bloody time, but this go round i actually get to pick the bands and DJs and dress the stage and stuff, it’s totally my night!
here’s the event, http://www.facebook.com/ev..ent.php?eid=238389029806woooooooooooohoooo! the idea is to go for a kind of film noir thing like raymond chandler, or the dwarf bit in twin peaks, or something. hope everyone comes and dresses up loads. like this stuff http://t2.gstatic.com/imag..es?q=tbn:ymiOMYXaBFDE0M%3A..http://justfellshort.files…wordpress.com/2009/09/nig..ht-hawks.jpg

playing are MY LUMINARIES who i have fucking loved since I ran into them in dublin years ago, and nato, who are in my opinion the best band in the south by a million miles, joe ann the arc and a special guest.

so i hope to see you there! x

ps: congrats to barny & robin, getting engaged behind my back, apparently… huh.

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/lonelyjoeparker/blog?page=1#ixzz1524Y35Uy

A different FREE song EVERY DAY til XMAS!!

Over every day in December up to Christmas Day I’m giving away a different song for free each day! I’m a bit excited about this.. I haven’t figured out the whole tracklist, some of them aren’t even finished yet. Fuck, some probably aren’t even written yet, for all I know..I think I wanna get back to a clean slate for this album I’m doing in January you see. Plus stuff gets recorded to be heard, no? Some of them are old stuff, some demos. Some released, some on tape, some never heard. Plus some live gems.

In the meantime there’s also some good gigs coming up this month:

  • 5th – FREE – The Library, Upper St, Islington
  • 8th – Little Johnny Russel’s, Southsea
  • 11th – Sotones Christmas Party, Hamptons, Southampton
  • 23rd – Mintsouth Christmas Party, Soul Cellar, Southampton

So to get today’s head over to http://www.myspace.com/lonelyjoeparker .. and tell your friends!

Have a good christmas,
Joe xx

some wee gigs where i demo stuff

yo peeps,

doing a bit of writing at the moment, but got a few low-key gigs coming up where i’ll be trying out the new stuff etc… most of these are FREE shows, so do come, would be ace to see what you think:


6th – secret gig, london (but email me if you wanna come)
9th – Mr Wolf’s, bristol
10th – 3One7, finchley
16th – Winchester School of Art

hope to see you there, exciting shit coming up i promise! more later x

Cooking Time

=Gourmet Noodles For Beginners=

SO in my pursuit of musical glory through not having a proper job (and it’s working – voted 5th best original indie band from Hampshire by readers of the Basingstoke Post 2 years running) I’ve been steadily refining my ‘living on ten quid a gig’ technique and a big part of this is budget food; as your mum probably told you when you went off to college ‘invest in yourself and buy good fresh food, not cheap shit’.

Bollocks to that though, you’re brassic and you need last night’s gas money to buy some bogroll to deal with this morning’s kebab detritus. You need to economise, badly. So here I proudly present my ultimate noodles recipe. This is seriously next-level shit, Blumenthal WISHES he had my other recipes…


Preparation time: 7 minutes
Serves: 4

*4 Packs value noodles – the 9p jobs
*1 Pack of value veg cup-a-soup (4 sachets – the 17p jobs)
*A kettle
*4 Mugs
*Pepper / salt / tombasco / soy sauce / brown sauce / mustard / adrenachrome / other seasoning / blah

Cooking instructions:

1. Put water in the kettle and boil it.*

2. Put one pack of noodles in each mug. Don’t put the little flavour sachet in yet – and if you’re really skilled/pedantic you should be able to split the packs of noodles lengthways so that they stand up in the cup. This way they cook quicker, flavour more evenly and the noodles are nice and long and stringy when done.
If you can’t be arsed with that just mash them in there.

3. Completely fill the mugs to the top with water. There’s gonna be some air in there too so swill it around gently with a fork to get rid of that shit.

4. Do something else with your life for 5 minutes. Like, write ‘Spanish Girls’ or ‘Love Jugs’…

5. The noodles should be bigger and softer now. Pour away about a centimetre of water from each mug, or a bit more or less if that’s what you like.

6. Add the sachet of powder that came with the noodles, and also a sachet of cup-a-soup. This is the clever bit because the soup makes it thicker and also adds things like peas and chunks of carrot that make it a) look a bit more like a proper Pot Noodle, and b) decorates your puke nicely. Stir well.

7. Add condiments (or sauces as we used to call them back in the Thatcher years) to taste. Leave for a minute or so and maybe blat it in the microwave if you really want to.

8. Sit back and enjoy! You now have the makings of your very own noodle dinner party (that’s right, you do live in a squat, but face it, you’re as middle-class as a Plane Stupid demo) – why not have a competition to see who can make the best one?

Eating this crap for seven goddamn years will definitely turn your body into a sexy tower of muscle and sinew. Nah, really you’ll look like a big soft noodle yourself. But have more money to spend on white cider – yay.

*You can do this with a metal kettle on a van engine. But be ready for the diesel-y goodness.

So, about my favourite song…

Let me tell you about my favourite song.

There’s a song link and lyrics coming up, but first let’s have a bit of a yarn…

‘Leopard Limousines’ is on Joe Strummer’s first solo effort, a record I stumbled upon in the uni radio station catalogue as I thumbed drunkenly through looking for Clash vinyl the night he died. Looking for Joe Strummer, punk rock warlord, I found John Graham Mellor – and struck gold.

It remains the only record I’ve ever stolen from a station, and the only one I want played at my funeral. As possibly the most underrated and hardest-to-find commercial recording of Joe’s (only on vinyl, and those are like hens’ teeth) you might not know it very well, so here’s a quick intro:

It’s the arse-end of the Eighties (yes, they WERE shit), The Clash are a distant memory, and Joe Strummer’s been kicking his heels, jobbing in films and battling the black dog in Spain for a few years while an indifferent public obliviously buy Timmy Mallet’s ‘Bombalerina’ by the thousand and the Tories continue to fuck up the country.

Encouraged by a chance encounter, and with a back-breaking load of frustration, regret and wanderlust, Joe holes up in LA with a few cronies to have another crack at making music, his first named recordings for over 4 years…

‘Earthquake Weather’ (Sony, 1989) turns out to be more rambling and unfocused than any of his previous work; in particular (drawing on his penchants for soundtrack and Western imagery) the lyrics are cinematic where the Clash were hyperactive; the message ambiguous where they were bellicose.

The unsettling mixture of organic sounds, raw emotion and diffuse themes failed to chime with the concerns of either his core punk fans (by now many of them, in any case, downing mohawks and getting on with the business of family life) or music nerds more interested in Detroit or Manchester than Andalucia via California. The record performed poorly in the shops; aside from a spell with The Pogues, Joe wouldn’t make music again for another half-decade.

Today the album plays more like a sketch-pad than a fully-finished work, with bold, yet unfinished ideas (‘Sikorsky Parts’); standard Joe Strummer stompalongs (‘Gangsterville’ in particular recalling the worst moments of Cut The Crap) or ragga covers (‘Ride Your Donkey’) and the odd gem (‘Island Hopping’, ‘Sleepwalk’). This last set of songs are most at odds with Joe’s public image as the air-punching, rabble-rousing ‘punk rock warlord’ – but in these plaintive, hesitant vocals (“… what good would it be / If you could change every heartache that ran through yout life and mine,” he mourns, on ‘Sleepwalk’) I think we get a much more interesting glimpse into his life and motivations than on all 6 sides of ‘Clash on Broadway’.

‘Leopardskin Limousines’ is the best example of this, and is worth a listen in that sense alone – but the off-kilter piano ostinato, restrained guitar and gravelly vocals elevate it, for me, from ‘best Strummer tune’ to My Favourite Song status.

The lyrics read like an atheist’s prayer book, or perhaps a letter of atonement to his family. Remorse and despair are mixed with glimmers of wry hope and fond reminiscence, and it’s this last emotion floors me; where Joe Strummer conjures up “…Charlie Parker, Chevys / And late night barroom brawls” we stand beside him and see all that, as he intended. But now, after his passing, we can simultaneously peer round the kitchen door at John Mellor, up alone with his demons in the small hours of the night, slumped against the fridge slugging brandy and trying to forget.

Each time I listen, this song throws up more and more questions: would the record do better these days, carefully filtered through the networks of bloggers, rather than foisted on an unreceptive mass market by Sony? Would the songs be more fully realised, given modern tools like GarageBand and ProTools to play with? Why was it so long before he recorded again? And – crucially – who was he writing to? His wives, kids, mistresses, father – or himself?

But the question I always come back to, as I did the first time I heard it, sitting devastated on the radio station floor that December, is ‘why did he have to go?’

Joe Strummer R.I.P.

Listen to it here:

Leopardskin Limousines (J Strummer)

Noontime the lunchstand tilts
It’s you baby walking in with your stilts
You don’t have to eat here no more
Cos the sauerkraut’s been on the dog-bowl floor
They made an old film of this
It shows in Hindu out on Air Pacif
Shoulda seen it coming ’bout a mile away
Especially when you don’t hear no harmonica play

What you can see is something you saw
When you were a little girl
Some picture passed by the Hayes Commission
About a prairie and a Kansas whirl
It’s true I didn’t have a part in it
I was working out at Disneyworld
Dressing like a duck, not giving a fuck
Baby you can dream it’s a pearl

People gonna wanna Xerox you baby
It’s a good thing you ain’t a Chickasaw
Or your soul would take the overnight train
To Pittsburgh calling Baltimore
People gonna wanna Xerox you baby
What will it do to your mind?
Hang gliding off the Grand Canyon
In a Coney Island for the blind

With me, it’d be Charlie Parker, Chevys
And late night barroom brawls
With real or imgainary friends and enemies
Who strike their heads when they fall
On the chassis of a classic Bull Nose special
That adorned our livingroom wall
Nobody’d be disappointed, if you’re the one they wanted
Blazing out across the waterfall

People gonna wanna Xerox you baby
They got a quota to fill
Got some cat named Juliean
And a Jap in a pad on the top of the hill
People gonna wanna Xerox you baby
It’s a good thing you ain’t a Chickasaw
Or your soul would take the overnight train
To Pittsburgh calling Baltimore

Suppose I should drag my stuff on out
But I don’t like the memories
Found a pint of brandy on top of the fridge
And it’s working like an antifreeze
So California is running short of water, oh
The magazine turns in the breeze
It’s the bargain of a lifetime dreaming of gold
Baby look in the trees

It’s your Chinese year of the animal
And it must be one that preens
Those firecrackers going down the hill
Signify the end of our dreams

It’s gonna be so beautiful
In those Leopardskin Limousines
When they spread you out in white
All over Harpers and Queens.

Journal Impact Factors – a good free tool

(originally posted on Kitserve.org.uk)

Recently, I’ve taken on more consulting work outside my own immediate area. http://www.eigenfactor.org, a free impact factor tool, has been incredibly handy. Here’s why.

Getting to grips (well on some level, at least) with a new system is a bit exciting and not a little empowering, too – like the first time you really understood crystalization as a kid (remember those copper sulphate crystals in the jar?)

The problem is that journals always fall into four categories in my book;

  1. Top level ones like Science, Nature, PLoS and PNAS,
  2. Reviews and stuff that are usually a good place to start,
  3. Key articles in specialist journals, and
  4. Crapola which you don’t need to bother with (to start with, at least).

The trouble is, while 1, 2, and 4 pretty much find themselves, working out which journals to look in for the specialist stuff when you start in a new field is pretty hard. For instance, the Journal of General Virology, Journal of Virology, and Virology all deal, obviously, with viruses and their biology… but which is the more authoritative?

The Impact Factor

If you’ve trained as a scientist, you’re probably sagely muttering ‘impact factor’. If you’ve ever worked as one you’re probably screaming it.

So what is this ‘impact factor’? Sounds like something to do with ballistics. Basically it’s a measure of the amount of influence a given published scientific article has on other articles. Since an article’s authors reference (or ‘cite’) other articles from all kinds of journals and books for background information and to support their own assertions, it follows that an article considered to be important to professionals in a field will be cited more frequently than an irrelevant one.

So good articles are cited more frequently. That helps us find those (both http://pubmed.org and http://scholar.google.com will tell you how many times a given article has been cited). And it’s a fairly simple matter to aggregate the mean number of citations per article in a particular journal and express that as a ratio or percentile of others in its field (you can also apply the same process to deciding whether or not to hire a particular scientist if you’re an institution or funding body – a nasty and growing trend which explains the screaming mentioned above…)

Use your judgement

There is a whole set of complex arguments about the best way to do that, and I won’t go into them here, not least because in my opinion at the end of the day you should always use your own good professional judgement when evaluating an article’s importance – no impact factor can fully do that for you. Ask yourself:

  • Do I actually know enough about the area yet to work out in general what the hell this article means, let alone if it’s any good?
  • If the citations seem particularly high (or low) for this journal/authors/general quality of paper, am I missing something?

If the answer to the first question is ‘no’ you’d better go off and read a few more reviews…


Anyway, why am I boning eigenfactor.org so hard at the moment? Well, a couple of reasons really:

  1. It’s free
  2. It has good coverage, and
  3. A great search interface, which is simple to use.

There are a few other useful things about their interface and data filtering, but for me those are the three main reasons. The ‘free’ thing’s great, obviously. But I really like the coverage they have and search interface because it quickly lets me find my way into a subject – when you start typing a journal or discipline into the box it autocompletes for you really smoothly. Ace huh?

Applying this to our virology journals, we find that their impact factors differ quite widely:

  • J. Gen. Virol. – 3.092
  • J. Virol. – 5.332
  • Virology – 3.765

So the Journal of Virology is the winner! Cool. Now I’m off to bone up on vif gene inactivation…

Monday Night Mixtape

well not exactly monday night or a mixtape, but i have been listening to these pretty obsessively recently… need to get out.. roll on the bike tour…

Ferraby Lionheart – The Car Maker
Band of Skulls – Skandinavia (live)
David Byrne & Brian Eno – Strange Overtones
Aphex Twin – Strotha Tynhe
Pavement – Starlings Of The Slipstream
The Books – The Lemon Of Pink Pt.1
Peter Lyons – Holy Modernity
My Luminaries – Holy Modernity (live)
The Books – Tokyo
Blakfish – Jeremy Kyle Is A Marked Man
The Books – The Lemon Of Pink Pt.2
Frank Zappa – Naval Aviation In Art
Feist – My Moon My Man
St. Vincent – The Strangers
John Cage – Sonata XI

… yes there is a lot of books there but i realised i hadn’t listened to them in ages.

About swanky instruments and sound musicians

Records in the works? I’m still working with Dave Miatt on our Oxjam charidee EP. The trouble about doing everything for free is that sometimes it’s hard to pull everything together. We’ve had about 8 different sessions with several people at the controls, as well as making a great live tape at Hamptons (thanks to everyone who showed up and sang!) … so by rights we should have pulled something together, a long time ago in fact. The reality is that we’re all busy with our own projects so it’s quite hard. Now we’ve got Tom, Rysia, Bea, Alfie and Audrey at Furnace Studios cracking the whip though, and I think we’ll get something tied up quite soon.. ‘down among the dead men’!! (for those in the know)

Erm what about my own stuff in all this? Well some of you will know that i’ve been slowly demoing up new tracks for about a year now, at home, with Neil Kennedy and Geoff at The Ranch in Nursling, and with Izaak Bullen in Winchester. It’s weird, I’ve never ever had any problems writing songs themselves but arranging – fuck – it’s not my strong point by a long shot…

Things have entered a new kind of phase lately, though. People are always coming up to me and saying ‘Hey Joe, if you ever want me to play with you, just give me a call’ and, for once, I’ve started listening. Without naming names we’re talking about some Really Talented People to a man and woman… . The guys at Furnace have also been really generous with their time and I’ve found we’re on totally the same wavelength when it comes to stuff like Pavement, Cat Power, Feist, PJH etc. SO we’re starting to gather a bit of recording momentum on the demos. Also gradually putting this band together – so at some point in the next several weeks we’ll hire a barn, truck all the hardware down and track it all.

The end result probably won’t be very Lonely-Joe-Parker-y, at least not in the ramshackle, unfinished way of old, but it still be seat of the pants stuff cos most of it’ll be pretty much live. Performances are gonna change, too – about 2/3 of the time it’ll just be me rocking up on the bike as usual, but for some shows we’ll do the slick luscious sounding full band thing. I won’t lie to you, that’s only gonna be shows where we get paid enough! You get what you pay for! I’ll still break strings and forget words though, just with a sick band there as well…

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/lonelyjoeparker/blog?page=2#ixzz152AqXgxI

dev ell ope mentz


just a quick note to say what’s going on at the moment…

recording-wise, i’m meant to be finishing leila, brooklyn and shanty to go on this split EP for Oxjam with Dave Miatt. unfortunately we’re doing it all on tick, and its going really frustratingly slowly.. hence the shitty demos on myspace at the moment, sorry about that. the idea is to do some more tracking of the current sessions (produced by Izaak Bullen a.k.a. The Scarlet Letter Union) very soon. we’ll see.

longer term at least we’ve got round to putting this  facebook page up which took longer to sit down and do than you might imagine.. “will people fan me?” “should it be just me editing it or should i let someone else do it?” “why am i such a massive cunt?” etc.. but we figured it was better to have these pages up and going rather than spend ages waiting for some mythical ‘jump off’ moment. so there you go.

in the summer months lots of fun happening – will be doing another bike tour like last summer, but this time it’ll be longer and (hopefully) a few bigger venues. also the legs will be shorter and planned longer in advance – this time i REALLY want loads more people to come along for the ride!

then sometime towards the end of the summer, depending on everyone’s commitments, we’re spending a few weeks at Furnace Studios – a residential studios in Bulgaria – to jam out an LP proper for an autumn release on Sotones. Also all the back catalogue is getting slowly re-issued on digital too – stay posted for that.

in the meantime, take care of each other x

ps: don’t put tipex on the keys of your computer to tell black notes from white ones in gareageband.. really bad idea…

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/lonelyjoeparker/blog?page=2#ixzz152AADp7Q