All posts by Joe

New live recording

There’s a new version (live) of shanty up

… featuring hannah miller and ollie austin, it starts a bit ropey due to a cold/curry/cobra combo but ends ace:

.. it’s the sort of thing we’re up to at the moment you see. well minus vintage moog circuits, that is.

In other very insteresting (to us) news, we’ve got a deal to press some vinyl of this EP i’m working on… ace huh?

More to come.. x x

Monday Night Mixtape

well not exactly monday night or a mixtape, but i have been listening to these pretty obsessively recently… need to get out.. roll on the bike tour…

Ferraby Lionheart – The Car Maker
Band of Skulls – Skandinavia (live)
David Byrne & Brian Eno – Strange Overtones
Aphex Twin – Strotha Tynhe
Pavement – Starlings Of The Slipstream
The Books – The Lemon Of Pink Pt.1
Peter Lyons – Holy Modernity
My Luminaries – Holy Modernity (live)
The Books – Tokyo
Blakfish – Jeremy Kyle Is A Marked Man
The Books – The Lemon Of Pink Pt.2
Frank Zappa – Naval Aviation In Art
Feist – My Moon My Man
St. Vincent – The Strangers
John Cage – Sonata XI

… yes there is a lot of books there but i realised i hadn’t listened to them in ages.

About swanky instruments and sound musicians

Records in the works? I’m still working with Dave Miatt on our Oxjam charidee EP. The trouble about doing everything for free is that sometimes it’s hard to pull everything together. We’ve had about 8 different sessions with several people at the controls, as well as making a great live tape at Hamptons (thanks to everyone who showed up and sang!) … so by rights we should have pulled something together, a long time ago in fact. The reality is that we’re all busy with our own projects so it’s quite hard. Now we’ve got Tom, Rysia, Bea, Alfie and Audrey at Furnace Studios cracking the whip though, and I think we’ll get something tied up quite soon.. ‘down among the dead men’!! (for those in the know)

Erm what about my own stuff in all this? Well some of you will know that i’ve been slowly demoing up new tracks for about a year now, at home, with Neil Kennedy and Geoff at The Ranch in Nursling, and with Izaak Bullen in Winchester. It’s weird, I’ve never ever had any problems writing songs themselves but arranging – fuck – it’s not my strong point by a long shot…

Things have entered a new kind of phase lately, though. People are always coming up to me and saying ‘Hey Joe, if you ever want me to play with you, just give me a call’ and, for once, I’ve started listening. Without naming names we’re talking about some Really Talented People to a man and woman… . The guys at Furnace have also been really generous with their time and I’ve found we’re on totally the same wavelength when it comes to stuff like Pavement, Cat Power, Feist, PJH etc. SO we’re starting to gather a bit of recording momentum on the demos. Also gradually putting this band together – so at some point in the next several weeks we’ll hire a barn, truck all the hardware down and track it all.

The end result probably won’t be very Lonely-Joe-Parker-y, at least not in the ramshackle, unfinished way of old, but it still be seat of the pants stuff cos most of it’ll be pretty much live. Performances are gonna change, too – about 2/3 of the time it’ll just be me rocking up on the bike as usual, but for some shows we’ll do the slick luscious sounding full band thing. I won’t lie to you, that’s only gonna be shows where we get paid enough! You get what you pay for! I’ll still break strings and forget words though, just with a sick band there as well…

Read more:

The within- and among-host evolution of chronically-infecting human RNA viruses

A research thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Oxford.

J Parker

Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council (UK) with support from Linacre College, Oxford.

Abstract: This thesis examines the evolutionary biology of the RNA viruses, a diverse group of pathogens that cause significant diseases. The focus of this work is the relationship between the processes driving the evolution of virus populations within individual hosts and at the epidemic level.

First, Chapter One reviews the basic biology of RNA viruses, the current state of knowledge in relevant topics of evolutionary virology, and the principles that underlie the most commonly used methods in this thesis.

In Chapter Two, I develop and test a novel framework to estimate the significance of phylogeny-trait association in viral phylogenies. The method incorporates phylogenetic uncertainty through the use of posterior sets of trees (PST) produced in Bayesian MCMC analyses.

In Chapter Three, I conduct a comprehensive analysis of the substitution rate of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in within- and between-host data sets using a relaxed molecular clock. I find that within-host substitution rates are more rapid than previously appreciated, that heterotachy is rife in within-host data sets, and that selection is likely to be a primary driver.

In Chapter Four I apply the techniques developed in Chapter Two to successfully detect compartmentalization between peripheral blood and cervical tissues in a large data set of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients. I propose that compartmentalization in the cervix is maintained by selection.

I extend the framework developed in Chapter Two in Chapter Five and explore the Type II error of the statistics used.

In Chapter Six I review the findings of this thesis and conclude with a general discussion of the relationship between within- and among-host evolution in viruses, and some of the limitations of current techniques.

dev ell ope mentz


just a quick note to say what’s going on at the moment…

recording-wise, i’m meant to be finishing leila, brooklyn and shanty to go on this split EP for Oxjam with Dave Miatt. unfortunately we’re doing it all on tick, and its going really frustratingly slowly.. hence the shitty demos on myspace at the moment, sorry about that. the idea is to do some more tracking of the current sessions (produced by Izaak Bullen a.k.a. The Scarlet Letter Union) very soon. we’ll see.

longer term at least we’ve got round to putting this  facebook page up which took longer to sit down and do than you might imagine.. “will people fan me?” “should it be just me editing it or should i let someone else do it?” “why am i such a massive cunt?” etc.. but we figured it was better to have these pages up and going rather than spend ages waiting for some mythical ‘jump off’ moment. so there you go.

in the summer months lots of fun happening – will be doing another bike tour like last summer, but this time it’ll be longer and (hopefully) a few bigger venues. also the legs will be shorter and planned longer in advance – this time i REALLY want loads more people to come along for the ride!

then sometime towards the end of the summer, depending on everyone’s commitments, we’re spending a few weeks at Furnace Studios – a residential studios in Bulgaria – to jam out an LP proper for an autumn release on Sotones. Also all the back catalogue is getting slowly re-issued on digital too – stay posted for that.

in the meantime, take care of each other x

ps: don’t put tipex on the keys of your computer to tell black notes from white ones in gareageband.. really bad idea…

Read more:

Estimating the Date of Origin of An HIV-1 Circulating Recombinant Form

Virology. 2009 Apr 25;387(1):229-34. Epub 2009 Mar 9.
Tee KK, Pybus OG, Parker J, Ng KP, Kamarulzaman A, Takebe Y.

HIV is capable of frequent genetic exchange through recombination. Despite the pandemic spread of HIV-1 recombinants, their times of origin are not well understood. We investigate the epidemic history of a HIV-1 circulating recombinant form (CRF) by estimating the time of the recombination event that lead to the emergence of CRF33_01B, a recently described recombinant descended from CRF01_AE and subtype B. The gag, pol and env genes were analyzed using a combined coalescent and relaxed molecular clock model, implemented in a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo framework. Using linked genealogical trees we calculated the time interval between the common ancestor of CRF33_01B and the ancestors it shares with closely related parental lineages. The recombination event that generated CRF33_01B (t(rec)) occurred sometime between 1991 and 1993, suggesting that recombination is common in the early evolutionary history of HIV-1. The proof-of-concept approach provides a new tool for the investigation of HIV molecular epidemiology and evolution.

about these here new demos + split EP


here are some new demos then

they are well rough – did about 11 tracks in an hour at the fabulous RANCH studios with mister neil kennedy cos he was in a hurry – and mainly they’re there to help me learn the songs.

you see i’ve got no way to record anything here. and my memorys fucked so learning songs once ive written them (don’t laugh..) is hard. but now i can go to sleep listening to them, learn the words, and work out what they mean

i hope you do too.

.. the background to all this is me and dave (who you might know better from thomas tantrum) in his incarnation as jackie paper are going to have a split 12″ out on sotones in the near future. yay

stories from the US / some gigs / some news

Hello dear peeps

so – the US was crazy. Obama, hey?! they _really_ love that guy – was p[layin on election night and it was MENTAL. met some guys on williamsburg bridge, made a lil vid, bit silly. caught CMJ and especially Kirsten Ketsjer who were a.c.e., check them out. please.

lots and lotsa gigs, some of them in some really interesting places. i mean that as well, more later when i get a chance to write my little journal up! or maybe i’ll just scan it in.we’ll see. but here’s a sneak preview: what do ex-cons, spare shoes and oranges have in common??

answers on a postcard. whats up now then?

well, i’m pretty much utterly flat fucking broke. in money terms, at least. but one thing i found out is that when i’m travelling and touring, looking and listening, the songs come thick and fast and better yet, i have an ace ace time. why is it whenever you’re on the radio you miss it? cos we were on RADIO ONE thats right. thought i’d sneak in getting played by steve lamaqc really subtly. see what i did there? big mad props to dave jackie paper miatt for that one, love you dave x.

so the idea is to work really hard in some shitty jobs till the new year while i finish off some songs in the meantime. these ones are really good, i can already tell they’re better than anything i’ve written so far since just in gtr/vox they sound ace. when i get some other stuff on there it’s going to blow up. theres still some love and loss themes in there, but i’ve got a lot better at noticing what’s going on around me, so expect lots of other peoples’ stories too. they’re all our tall tales after all.

so in december i’m demoing some new stuff, doing lots of gigs nearer home to work the kinks till january and a bit of proper recordings in feb before touring a bit more widely. if you would like me to come and play for you drop me a line. I need to cover travel expenses these days though – if you end up out of pocket on ten gigs a month playing becomes a big fat un-fun expensive hobby, and i’m not into that! just so you know. for any charidee stuff thats different of course..

in the meantime the last few gigs planned before december are:

20 light lounge, BASINGSTOKE
21 jericho tavern, OXFORD
30 orange rooms SOUTHAMPTON

hope to see you there! tell your friends, thanks for all your nice words,
later then, love you
joe xx

Gigs in NEW YORK next week

actually that single solitary whoop can’t convey how excited i am to be playing NEW YORK in ELECTION WEEK!!!!!!

got some gigs in new york this week, me-doing-solo-stuff. come and say hi if you’re about, or get people down, hey? cos i could do with the spare change, innit.

MON 3rd – The Delancey, Delancey St, East Village
TUE 4th – Arlene’s Grocery, Stanton St, East Village
FRI 7th – Potion Cafe, McKibbin St, Brooklyn

..the sharp eyed amongst you will notice that basically i cross-posted that from the power page. i know. i’m trying to work out what to do really, what to focus on. oh well, we’ll see i suppose. answers on a postcard.

joe xx

Exile’s Sketches … if u like

Exile’s Sketches

… bit of a ‘PS’ this, but i’ve got a CD knocking about of demos which i’m calling ‘Exiles Sketches’

as in , i feel like an exile stuck here

and its just demos, geddit?

there’s all the songs i can remember at the moment (88) which i put down in case i have an accident and cos of publishing stuff and in case my memory gets even worse. so its an MP3 cd, thats the only way i could fit it on.

if you want a copy let me know

joe xx